Robinson recieves Exemplary Faculty Award


ALAMOSA — Adams State University's Annual Employee Recognition ceremony, April 25, concluded with the announcement of the Exemplary Faculty Award. Dr. Tracey Robinson, professor of human performance and physical education, was honored for the 2016-17 academic year.

To qualify for selection, "Exemplary" faculty must earn an exemplary evaluation in teaching effectiveness and at least one other exemplary evaluation in either scholarly/creative activity or service, according to the Office of Academic Affairs. Recommendations were reviewed by the Peer Recognition Committee (PRC), which includes one tenured faculty member from each academic area.

Originally from Canada, Robinson began her Adams State tenure in 2001 in the Human Performance and Physical Education (HPPE) Department.

"Tracey bleeds Grizzly Green for our department and Adams State,” said Dr. Beez Schell, HPPE Department chair. “What I find to be most admirable is Tracey's ability to engage all students in high impact practices such as collaborative assignments and research. Her sole focus has always been, and will continue to be, on student learning and success at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.”

Working with graduate students, Robinson operates the Human Performance Lab, with fitness testing and other services available to the community. Robinson has conducted research in a variety of areas including: bone mineral density in female athletes; the female athlete triad, nutrition and exercise performance; training methods to enhance performance and health benefits of regular exercise across the lifespan. She earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Guelph in Ontario; a Master of Science from New Mexico State University, and a Ph.D. in human performance from Oregon State University.