School board honors Baker, all teachers


ALAMOSA — Though Alamosa High School English teacher Maxine Baker wasn’t named San Luis Valley’s Educator of the Year, she was honored as Alamosa School District’s Teacher of the Year during the board of education’s meeting on Monday. The school board also signed a proclamation declaring May 7-11 as Teacher Appreciation Week.

Baker, who has been with the district for 20 years, was named Teacher of the Year once before in 2012.

“I wish every teacher could be recognized like this because we work so hard,” she said. “But I really do appreciate this and I thank you on behalf on all teachers.”

Superintendent Robert Alejo said Baker deserved the award both times. “Thank you for all you do for our kids,” he said.

After awarding Baker a plaque, the board read and signed a resolution for Teacher Appreciation Week. The resolution reads:

“Whereas, teachers make public schools great; and

“Whereas, teachers work to open students’ minds to ideas, knowledge and dreams; and

“Whereas, teachers keep American democracy alive by laying the foundation for good citizenship; and

“Whereas, teachers fill many roles, as listeners, explorers, role models, motivators and mentors; and

“Whereas, teachers continue to influence us long after our school days are only memories;

“Now, therefore, on May 7, 2018, the Alamosa School District proclaims the week of May 7-11, 2018 as Teacher Appreciation Week.

“We urge everyone to observe this week by taking time to recognize and acknowledge the impact of teachers on our lives.”

Caption: Alamosa High School English teacher Maxine Baker, center, stands with her plaques designating her as Alamosa School District’s Teacher of the Year on Monday. From left are Alamosa School District Board of Education members Arlan Van Ry and Dr. Thomas Miller, Alamosa High School Principal Andrew Lavier, Baker and Alamosa School District Board of Education members Erica Romero, Mandy Jackson and Christine Haslett. Courier photo by Jefferson Geiger.