Schools promote drug prevention programs


ALAMOSA — The Alamosa Board of Education met on Monday night to receive updates and discuss items that will be put to a vote.

School Nurse Darcey Hansen gave an update on the Drug Task Force. This is a district-wide program that is currently being led by Hansen. The goal is to decrease risk and increase awareness for students when it comes to drugs. The group is also implementing a curriculum called Life Skills to increase student knowledge. There is also a student group called SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) that is seeing involvement grow. Plans are moving forward for continued implementation of the program for the upcoming year.

The board commended Hansen for her work on this project.

Maroon Pride, the parent-led group of ASD has also seen an increase in involvement. There has also been a transition of leadership. Jennifer Alonzo is the new secretary. Maroon Pride will be the provider of concessions at the upcoming “Glow Run” which will be a 5k/Fundraiser for Alamosa School District. A tailgate party is also planned for Homecoming.

Superintendent Rob Alejo also reported that the official enrollment count for the entire district will be on October 3rd.

Other items brought before the board included two resolutions. The first was an annual resolution from CHSAA that provides support to athletic directors. The second was a resolution in support of Amendment 73. Thus far, there have been approximately 20 schools across the State of Colorado that are supporting the amendment.

The final decision from the board on both of these matters is forthcoming.