Sermon: Awaiting Easter

Spring is here! Certainly the last couple of weekends  have given us hope that Spring is well on its way….Farmers are burning irrigation ditches, ground is being plowed and seeds sown. There are new baby calves bouncing around in nearly every field. Living in the San Luis Valley we know there will still be some snow between now and May (the true end of winter!) But with gratitude; we watch a few brave butterflies flitting about, listen to the birds singing and watch the return of the cranes to the Valley… our hearts quicken as “Our Spring” is so close now we can taste it!

Just as we eagerly anticipate Spring….so should we anticipate Easter! 

We are now well into the season of Lent when traditionally people choose to give up something such as Diet Dr. Pepper (my personal favorite) as a sacrifice of sorts, in preparation to celebrate the greatest miracle to ever happen in human history! Just as we watch the sunrise over the Sangre de Cristo’s each morning, blessing us with a breath taking beauty and a promise of longer more glorious days ahead; so the Lord calls out to each of us. He wants nothing more than to hear His children say “Thank you Father for a beautiful day, for a good job, for the love of my life, for food in the refrigerator, etc.” Your Heavenly Father aka “Dad” simply wants to hear from you, tell Him about your day, your hopes, your dreams, your concerns. But also don’t forget to thank Dad for everything you do have….He is a loving, generous and kind Father.

John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Dad loves us enough to ensure we can spend eternity with Him; all we have to do is believe in His Son, Jesus Christ and our ticket has already been purchased, the price has been paid….now that is a sacrifice! During this season of Lent, take time to  reflect on this true, life changing sacrifice, made on behalf of each of us simply because God loves us and wants only the best for us, His children. As we approach Easter, remind yourself of this amazing miracle…on Sunday morning the tomb was empty! Jesus had risen and our debt is forever stamped PAID IN FULL!  Dad loves you!

For the remaining days of Lent, I pray as you count down how many more days one must do without the Diet Dr. Pepper per say; remember the real sacrifice of Jesus Christ and simply look up and whisper, “Thank You Dad.”


Pastor Sharon Emory

First Christian Church
