Signs to know from SCRO


FORT GARLAND --- In the continuing effort to tackle the ever growing “illegal dumping” and failure of some residences/property owners to adhere to planning and zoning laws in the Sangre de Cristo Ranches, the Sangre de Cristo Homeowners Association (SCRO) moved into action.

With the permission of the Costilla County Commissioners and partnership of Costilla County staff, signs have been placed at five main entries to reinforce and promote not only a healthy community but also one that will remain so for future generations.

SCRO would like to thank the Costilla County Commissioners, Costilla County staff, Planning and Zoning staff, local residents documenting the squalid locations and new neighbors who research and adhere to the covenants in this beautiful, cultural, historic and majestic area.

Caption: Signs remind folks that Costilla County abides by zoning regulations. Courtesy photo