Slurping 'stone soup'


Darius Martinez, 5, and Brandi VanHorn, 6, enjoy a cup of stone soup with the rest of Denise Jojola’s kindergarten class at Alamosa Elementary School on Thursday. This was the 16th year VEGI had students help make the soup for the program.


Alamosa School District Superintendent Robert Alejo reads “Stone Soup” to Kirsten Rendon’s second grade class at Alamosa Elementary School on Thursday. The event was part of La Puente’s Valley Educational Garden Initiative (VEGI) and the shelter’s HOPE Week, which stands for Homeless Outreach and Prevention Education.


La Puente volunteer Jimin Park, dressed as a carrot, high fives Alamosa Elementary School students on Thursday as they go to receive their stone soup.


Eight-year-olds Bella Marquez, Cameron Martinez and Joseph Valdilles look at the individual ingredients of the stone soup at Alamosa Elementary School on Thursday. Along with the magic stones and the secret ingredient of sharing, the soup featured five different types of potatoes, carrots, onions, kale, corn, celery, zucchini and herbs, with most of the ingredients grown at the school’s garden.