SLV Emergency daily update


SAN LUIS VALLEY — Friday brought no change to the valley’s COVID-19 numbers, a slight reprieve in the news. SLV Emergency, along with many of you, hope to take a bit of respite over this holiday weekend. Please continue to do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in order to protect those among us who are vulnerable, protect our families, and honor the health care workers who are on the front lines ready to care for our friends and neighbors. If you do spend time outdoors this weekend, wearing a mask is important. Exercise generates a heavy respiratory trail and wearing a mask reduces transmission to those who may come along behind you. Right now, staying home is the best contribution most of us can make toward our community’s well-being.

Those of you who keep close tabs on the numbers being posted by the State of Colorado may notice a slight jump in cases that reflects a catching up of some lagging statewide test reports.

This is National Public Health Week. Public health as a profession is one of those fields that is easily overlooked. Like utilities or sanitation, the services provided by public health are invisible to most of us when everything is working as it should. This pandemic has thrust our public health professionals into a very public role and forced them to make some difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions in order to carry out their duty to protect the public as well as they are able. They work closely with other medical professionals. We won’t be able to count how many lives they have saved by their actions. If you know someone who works in public health, take a moment to send them a note of thanks. In an ideal scenario, Colorado will get to the end of this crisis and some people will think elected officials have overreacted. In reality, they will have saved many lives. That would be the ultimate sign of success.

SLV COVID general questions 719-480-8719 for English, or 719-315-5019 for Spanish. You may also email your questions to

CO HELP line 1-877-462-2911 (English and Spanish) for Colorado general information.

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