SLVDRG launches new website


ALAMOSA — A new website for the San Luis Valley Development Resources Group provides easy access to the programs and services offered by the organization, as well as information about the San Luis Valley.

“We are excited to announce the launch of a new website for San Luis Valley Development Resources Group that presents a comprehensive overview of our programs and services,” said Kevin Wilkins, SLVDRG’s executive director. “The new website is the go-to place to learn about what SLVDRG does, to find information and data about the Valley, to apply for a business loan, or to access Colorado’s Enterprise Zone tax credit program.”

The website is found online at

“We hope the entire San Luis Valley finds the website a valuable resource for community planning and development,” Wilkins said.

Wilkins explained that the website is easy to navigate with information organized by “tabs” that take users directly to descriptions of the SLVDRG under “Organizations,” or directly to the programs managed by SLVDRG under “Programs.”

“We have designed the new website to be very user-friendly and comprehensive,” Wilkins said. “In just a few seconds, or a few clicks, users should be able to find the information they are looking for.”

Under the “Organization” tab, users can learn about SLVDRG, as well as the San Luis Valley Council of Governments, the SLV Community Action Agency, SLV Great Outdoors, and the SLV Transportation Planning Region.

Under the “Programs” tab, users will find information and materials about resources offered by SLVDRG:

  • The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, which is the most complete source available for demographic and economic data about the San Luis Valley.
  • The Colorado Enterprise Zone, including links to important forms necessary to participate in the program, and background material that explains what the program offers and how it operates.
  • Businesses interested in applying for a loan from the Business Loan Fund can download application materials and information.
  • Research and Data has the latest statistical profile of the San Luis Valley, and community profiles for each of counties and municipalities in the Valley. Recent studies are also found in this section.

The new website also has links to local governments, state and federal agencies and economic development organizations.

Users can connect directly with members of the SLVDRG staff by using email links provided throughout several sections of the website and under “Contact Us.”

The mission of the San Luis Valley Development Resources Group is to promote and facilitate economic development programs that create jobs, improve income, and maintain the quality of life in the San Luis Valley. It has served the six counties of the San Luis Valley region since 1994.