State treasurer/trustee conference begins


ALAMOSA — The San Luis Valley will host the summer conference for county treasurers and public trustees from throughout the state this week.

Bringing about 120 attendees to town, the 2017 Colorado County Treasurers Association and Public Trustees of Colorado (CCTA/PTAC) Summer Conference will begin on Monday, June 19, and will continue through Thursday, June 22 with events including association business, special presentations and speakers, training and social events.

District 7 is hosting the statewide conference, with events headquartered on the Adams State University campus. Planning the event have been Alamosa County Treasurer and Public Trustee Lois Widhalm and colleagues Connie Trujillo, Saguache County, Mack Crowther, Conejos County, Annette Carino, Costilla County, Peggy Kern, Rio Grande County, Patty Payne, Mineral County, Debbie Reynolds, Huerfano County and Donna Leonetti, Las Animas County.

Representing the District 7 planning group, Treasurers Widhalm, Trujillo and Crowther briefed the Alamosa city council recently on the upcoming conference, explained why these types of conferences are vital for continuing education, and shared their desire to promote the area to conference attendees.

Widhalm said attendees will include the 64 elected or appointed county treasurers and public trustees, most of whom serve dual roles as treasurers and trustees, as well as vendors and guests.

She added that the first statewide conference was organized in January 1926. Alamosa has hosted the conference before, in 1980 and 1999.

The CCTA and PTAC were created to further education of the elected or appointed officials, promote professionalism of the members, assist in improving members’ office efficiencies and performances and provide for the exchange of information and ideas.

The associations have a combined Continuing Education Committee, which is chaired by Widhalm, whose mission is to manage a certification program assuring that courses and presentations meet the program’s professional requirements and satisfy statutes required to serve in these offices. The statewide meetings include educational programs that serve those goals. Widhalm explained that the Continuing Education Committee works with Colorado Mesa University to provide a program for treasurer and trustee certification.

“We have an obligation to satisfy state statutes and become as knowledgeable as we can with changes and updates in the law,” Widhalm said.

Trujillo added that the certification program is important to treasurers and public trustees.

She and Widhalm added, however, that they hope those attending the conference this week will not only gain vital information but also enjoy the San Luis Valley and perhaps stay and visit the sites over the weekend.

Some of the extracurricular events this week include a barbecue Monday night at the Rhybax, the restaurant at the Cattails Golf Course, a piano concert Tuesday night by Crowther, who not only serves as a dedicated county treasurer but is also an accomplished pianist, and a banquet Wednesday at one of Alamosa’s newest venues, La Manzanilla Event Center (“The Barn.”)

Among the featured speakers this week are Alamosa Mayor Pro Tem and motivational speaker Ty Coleman as well as Alamosa City Councilor Kristina Daniel.

Caption: Alamosa city officials welcome local county treasurers/trustees, who will be hosting their associations’ summer conference this week in Alamosa. From left are Alamosa City Councilor Michael Stefano, Alamosa Mayor Josef Lucero, Councilor Liz Thomas Hensley, Conejos County Treasurer/Public Trustee Mack Crowther, Alamosa County Treasurer/Public Trustee Lois Widhalm, Councilor Charles Griego, Saguache County Treasurer/Public Trustee Connie Trujillo and Councilors Jan Vigil, Kristina Daniel and Ty Coleman. Courier photo by Ruth Heide