Still Waters: Prayer for my sister



Please bless my big sister Beth today on her birthday.

She blesses so many people around her through her generous heart and tender-but-tenacious spirit. As she has blessed so many of us, Lord, please bless her today.

Give her a good day today, Lord, a day filled only with good. May it not be stressful or difficult. May it be filled with serendipities and sweet surprises. As she has given to so many others, may she be the recipient today.

May she only know love, today, Lord, and joy. May something or someone bring laughter to her today.

May all she experiences today be good, only good.

May her day be filled only with kindness and kind people, Lord. Protect her from those who would wound her spirit or injure her soul.

Take care of her, Lord, physically, spiritually and in all ways. Keep your arms around her when those of us who love her cannot hold her. Always hold her close, Lord, so close she can feel your breath against her cheek and your heart beating beside hers.

Lord, as she celebrates another year of life today, please bless her with yet another and another and another …

Help her to know in many ways and through many people how special she is and how much better the world is for her presence in it. May she never doubt that, Lord. May she always know how very special she is to you, too, Lord. Remind her in every day you give to her and in every gift you hand to her. May she know your love and power in every breath she takes.

Provide for her the energy she needs for this moment and this day. Give her the grace and patience she requires to deal with difficult circumstances and challenging people.

Shore up her strength.

Let no one and nothing quench her positive spirit. Let the flame of her integrity never dim or waver.

Keep her strong. Keep her safe.

When she needs a break, give her rest. When she needs a smile, give her joy. When she needs a shoulder, give her yours.

Most of all, Lord, help her to know how very much she is loved.