Valley Gardening: A lesson from Texas; a caution for Alamosa


Everything’s good in the neighborhood! After the wind on Tuesday how can we complain about a little snow/rain? I’m still hoping for a foot or more, which would be a piece of heaven right now!

I believe that everyone feels the same way I do when I give thanks to all the firefighters and first responders who protected us this past Monday/Tuesday. My son-in-law Adam Burns is a Colorado State Fire Fighter and I know how hard they all work, from him. I’m not sure how many times the guys have already been called out this spring (around the state) but I am believing it is more than all of last summer. And it’s still April! AND, if indeed there was someone who started a fire in their home to collect on insurance, they certainly need to be charged—how irresponsible can you be? And no…this information didn’t come from Adam—I’ve heard it on the street from a number of sources! Shame on you, whoever you are!

I had to make a quick trip to Midland, Texas this past weekend. So hot! Larry and I went to a really large Garden Center and ended up meeting with the owner, who gave us a tour of his operation. He carried many of the same products I do, only way more expensive. My soil conditioner is $26.95 or 2/$45 and his is $34.95—YIKES! 

What I learned most from him was about his lawn care. He uses Milorganite and Green Maker. And he ONLY waters twice a week! He showed us pictures of his lawn vs. his neighbor’s lawn and the difference was remarkable. What is even more amazing is the temperature is already 90 and will reach an average of 100 with the high last year being 116! Did I mention that he only waters twice a week?

I am hoping that every public type building maintenance person pays attention and changes their watering habits. It’s such an easy thing to do! This morning, I went by a gov’t. building and the sprinklers were on, even though it was snowing. It wasn’t a pretty lawn. I will be going by for the next week, at the same time, to see how many days the sprinklers will be on. This is your tax dollar in action.

Speaking of tax dollars, does anyone else wonder about the concrete crumbling on Sixth St.? I watch it—because I am weird that way—and it keeps getting worse and worse. I am not talking about areas that might have semi’s jumping the curb, I’m talking the entire stretch of Sixth in many, many locations. I know of at least one concrete contractor who questioned city employees about it a year or two ago—he was not treated with respect, in my humble opinion. My question is, how do we get the concrete replaced, and hold CDOT responsible for the job that was done? Does anyone else notice?

As long as we are talking concrete, I have also noticed how nice the Antonito and Monte Vista sidewalk/curb replacements look. I haven’t noticed any crumbling at all in those two towns.

Before I forget, there will be a meeting on May 1st I think, regarding the old Alamosa County Courthouse.  Watch for details in the Courier. Reading that the building may be used for storage or something else, kind of made my blood boil! Looking at the skylights at the new courthouse makes me wonder how much they cost, and if that money would have gone a long ways towards building maintenance. I wonder if we indeed have the funds needed to fully staff the jail when the remodeling is finished. I wonder if the DA’s office decides on their own where they are going to be, at what cost to the taxpayer?  And I get tired of the ADA card being played every time someone wants something new. 

Okay, you can now plant your onions. I am trying to figure out where March went, and we are already into the end of April. I have folks starting to enter the Giant Pumpkin Concert and I am pretty anxious to get some seedlings planted here, but because they sprout so fast I am holding off for another 10-15 days. Remember as you think about planting that for the next two weeks the nighttime temperature is still in the mid 30’s. It just doesn’t look like a great spring, but that’s why it is such a reward when vegetables do grow. It’s a miracle!

Many thanks to all you folks who are attending the San Luis Valley Cancer Relief Fund concert that is happening tonight! SK—you are pretty special and your $500 donation is so wonderful! Again, if you would like to donate, and can’t make the concert, please come see me.