Valley Gardening: Brown lawns are not fatal

It’s been a good week! Twice I was able to help the Sanchez family. On Thursday evening I was able to hang with Peyton while Charlie and Sheila went to Landon’s last soccer game of the season. What a privilege to be with Peyton AND try out his new stamps for his greeting card business. We were able to make a card for his Mom for Mother’s Day! It’s a really cool card, sure to bring smiles and love and maybe a couple of tears. I know that they will not be reading this until at least Monday because they are at Children’s Hospital getting another MRI and checkup—so I am safe telling you about it.

I have to thank O & V Printing AGAIN for helping with the stamps and paper and envelopes. I am hoping Peyton gets strong and we all can get going on this project after school gets out. It’s such a great project!

One of the nice things about going to see Peyton is being close to the Colorado Farm Brewery so I get to go for a beer. And I get to visit with great people who are going to help finish a ramp so it is easier for Peyton and his family to enter their front door. Sometimes all you have to do is say “Peyton” and folks immediately ask “what can I do or can I help or do you need gravel, or concrete.” A gal who had been riding horses at Blue Allen’s stables offered to match the amount of beer purchased after the ramp is finished—going to Peyton’s Fund. I guess I need to get her name!

And yesterday morning I went to Van’s Machine Shop and asked Steve Van Iwaarden if he could make me a stencil of Peyton’s name so we can trace it into the ramp. It’s already done! And Joelle Boos called and said “I have a cement mixer”—I had to tell her that every strong woman has their own cement mixer—LOL! My friends are so wonderful!!

I guess I’m a little melancholy—thinking of my Mom passing away nine years ago today. I’m so grateful for how she raised her family. For how she supported my Dad and veterans. For how she just got stuff done—I guess that’s how you describe me. When I went to Charlie Sanchez and asked if we could help finish his ramp, he said “Ruthie, I don’t want you buying anything”! I told him I had no money (the truth) and that people just wanted to give! People just wanted to give of their time and energy because that’s all we can do—other than PRAY! PRAY…PRAY…PRAY with all your might. I can also help get a ramp built, because that’s what I can do. Hearing Peyton say thank you in his quiet voice is all the thanks and inspiration I needed.

I hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. Love your Mom, go next door and be nice to someone else’s Mom, who might be alone. Be thankful if you still have your Mom, even if she drives you crazy at times. I’m sure you drove her crazy at times. Be thankful!

Now….what should you do with your lawn??? I am quite perplexed at the number of lawns looking, quite frankly, terrible—all over town! I guess most of it might be winterkill, due to the extreme dryness. Over watering will not be the miracle cure! I believe that everyone just needs to be patient. Rake out the dead grass if it’s pretty matted. Check the thatch layer to see how thick it is. Power rake only if necessary. If you aerate, make sure you water first and make sure you are pulling plugs that are at least 2 inches in length. After you aerate, it might be a good time to broadcast some new grass seed.

Do not overwater! For the heck of it, you might also check for those nasty grubs. Maybe they are chewing at the root zone. I keep telling you about healthy, organic products that should help and they are all great products. But nothing is going to make your lawn beautiful overnight. Unless you paint it green. Just be patient! You are not the only one with a brown lawn this spring.