Valley Gardening: Fishing weather?


And…it continues to be dry….and pretty dang warm! The weather reports I have seen, and the ones that folks tell me about, look kind of dire, in my humble opinion.

As the guys come in for their mealworms, I ask them about fishing conditions. Mountain Home is mostly frozen over, Smith is still frozen but who knows for how long with the continued sunshine and temperatures between 40 and 50 for the next 14 days. The higher lakes are frozen but most can be driven into, whereas in years past, you either needed a snowmobile, or needed a friend with one. The overall fishing reports have been decent for all areas, depending on who you talk to. 

I never know whether or not I can trust the guys for an honest report. I start to second guess and wonder if they are wanting other folks to stay away from their holes, and so they fib about where they have been. I guess that’s the fun part. And as I look back at what I have written, I realize I may not be politically correct in writing “guys.” Do I have to be correct and say folks, or guys and gals? Mostly when the “gals” come in for mealworms, they are on a husband’s errands, OR they want some peace and quiet for the weekend and are very willing to buy the worms! I do know that “girls” like ice fishing, because my granddaughter loves to go—if the weather is also nice for sledding on the ice.

Back to the snow/lack of issue. I have tried to find the time for a number of years to carry a fully stocked supply of Netafim drip irrigation supplies. I have carried some, and I have always been able to order it.  This year, I am going to get off my butt, and carry the full line! AND, because I believe water is so important, I am willing to meet with you in the early mornings and or evenings to help design a system that might work for you. Even if you purchase from someone else. If I can, I would also be willing to go to your house to look at what you might need.

Netafim is my drip irrigation of choice. I have been using it for 20+ years, even before we had the Green Spot. I am by no means an expert, but I can show you what I would do, in your situation. Netafim works best for vegetable gardens, but can be designed for flowerbeds with a little more design effort. I also use the Netafim sprayers because I believe they are the best quality available. The Netafim system is out of Israel, and the Israelites have treated their water like gold for decades and decades. It’s something we need to do here.

Paul Niebel, from Sanford, carries drip tape, which will also conserve water and probably be a less expensive system. I am sure he would also help design a system. Paul will be giving a gardening class in February—I will give you the date next week. 

When I think about water and/or the lack of, I think of my husband Larry Brown and the GMX Magnetic Water Conditioning system that he (I helped) has sold for over 25 years. Larry quit a job with CSU Extension to sell magnets—right? Magnets! I think some of the folks with CSU thought Larry was crazy.  Sometimes I still think so, and vice versa. And now, all these years later, Larry has installed (I don’t know how many) GMX systems on pivot irrigation all around the Valley, Nebraska, Kansas and New Mexico.  The reason for most installations is because a properly designed magnetic unit will reduce surface tension and the water will penetrate the soil better. Where mud puddles were created, causing sprinklers to tip, the visible water is now gone. Because the water goes deeper, farmers can cut back on their watering. And nutrients are in a state more available to the plant.

A GMX system is typically an alternative to the old salt water conditioning system. The hard-water damage is taken care of, without salt and without wasted water. Larry has been to Jamaica, Greece, China and to many states in the US installing GMX. It really is a fascinating product/technology. Moral of the story is to CONSERVE water.

Conserving water does not mean digging up all the grass and putting down rock! That’s the LAST thing I want to see happen. More about that next week.

Remember…Helping Paws, with Peyton, Feb 3rd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.!