Valley Gardening: Hemp and CBD: Research before you buy

Where in the heck has June…and July…and now August gone? Although Fall is probably my favorite season, it doesn’t seem like it is time for it to arrive yet—even though it was 37 this morning—YIKES!!

I love fall because it is cooler. It’s not too cool in the morning to work in the garden, and it is almost perfect in the evenings. I have been planting a little bit every day. As I plant, I cut back almost everything, even those in bloom. When you cut back the tops, you promote root growth and that is what I am after this time of year. The hardest plants to cut back are usually mums, because they are getting to be in full bloom for fall. If the weather holds, they will begin to grow and put on more blooms for October, which would be great.

I planted some Iris in Mom’s Garden a couple of weeks ago, and this morning I noticed a bloom coming on, which I have never had happen before. Plants are so crazy sometimes! This morning I went up to Monte Vista (to pick up the kittens I had neutered) and dug up some of the yellow Iris from Linda Weyers that I told you about. And yes, Mary Ann Mitchell I am bringing you a start! Anxious to get them planted, along with the peonies I have been digging.

I am thrilled to say that Absmeier Landscaping & Construction is going to bring me some boulders to help “anchor” the garden on the north end. I have the small rocks/boulders that we will be moving up and around from the south side, but have been wanting a few larger boulders. I am so excited. I know, I know….I am simple— I get excited about boulders and worms! Just wait till you see the piece of art that is being prepared for this area. I want to let everyone know that this is Mom’s Garden!

Meanwhile…a little more about CBD (taken from information supplied by Monte Robertson, owner of San Luis Valley Hemp Company.) There are two kinds of oil produced from the hemp plant. It is very important to understand the differences. The first and currently most popular oil is the CBD oil that is extracted from the greenery portion of the plant. CBD is called the pharmaceutical oil because of its healing properties as a supplement. The second is the hemp seed oil which is extracted from the hemp seed. Hemp seed oil has very little (if any) CBD.

To get the full benefit of what the plant’s pharmaceuticals have to offer, make sure to use only products that are “Full Plant Extract (FPE)”. That being said, isolate CBD allows people to achieve higher doses of CBD, but NO THC.  I find that a CBD isolate tablet that I carry is what truckers might want to use because of drug tests. I do have a customer who says the CBD isolate tablet absolutely stops her migraines within 15 minutes.

I guess the takeaway is for you to get informed and educated about CBD and all hemp products. For example, I was in one of the big box stores, and came across a product called HEMPZ. In smaller lettering it said 100 percent hemp seed oil. When I looked at the back to get an idea of other ingredients, I was amazed. There were about a bajillion ingredients with impossible to pronounce names, and probably 15 syllables in each word. How can that be healthy? You will find many, many companies in the future trying to capitalize on the hemp market. Hemp CBD products are truly, truly wonderful. There will be many companies selling products with no health benefits—mark my words.

Meanwhile, at Society Hall on Monday, the 27th, Jocelyn Russell will be sharing the maquette of her new commission—SECRETARIAT!! The open house will be from 5 to 8 p.m. with a slide show presentation at 6 p.m. on her sculpture project for the Audubon Society, and then details on the Secretariat adventure.  So amazing what Jocelyn has accomplished. Seating is limited to 200 people and I’m thinking we might fill it up!

Last but not least a heartfelt thank you to all the folks who came by, stopped me at the Post Office, or on the street or at the grocery store and told me THANKS for responding to the county administrator. I knew I wasn’t the only one feeling the way I did, but the response was very gratifying. Again, thank you all.