Valley Gardening: Plants know when it's fall

Hasn’t it been the most wonderful fall? I know that a few folks had some squash, cucumbers and beans give it up on Thursday/Friday, but now it looks like another two weeks of really nice weather with no frosts on the horizon. That being said, most plants are shutting down because they know it is fall. The cool mornings, and shorter daylight hours are a dead giveaway. Pick your green tomatoes and let them ripen inside. Or bring them to me—hint, hint! A good way to ripen your tomatoes is to pull up the plant, cut off the root system and hang them upside down from the ceiling (Nitschka’s advice). The energy from the vine will then go to the fruit.

Greg and I continue to work in Mom’s Garden. He moved some rocks from the back of the garden to the north end this week. And I dug some of the roses back, and I cut some of the tall yarrow down—should have done it sooner, so as not to have so many seedlings come spring—oh well. Larry helped me last weekend dig up some of the blue grass that had gone a little wild. I remember Gary Ludwig from Buena Vista telling me it could be invasive, but I didn’t know he meant really invasive. I still like it as an accent plant, but now I know to keep it in check and either dig or spray the new shoots.

As I plant this time of year, especially shrubs and trees, it doesn’t matter to me that the leaves fall off. I am way more concerned about the root system and keeping the below ground area MOIST, not soaking wet. I have been watering Mom’s Garden about twice a week for about 30-45 minutes in each section. I used to be able to set my timer in the evening before I went home but some __________stole my sprinkler this week so I’m doing my watering during the day. If your neighbor shows up with a used, green, Dramm multi-pattern sprinkler, it might be mine. Ask them where they got it, because you want to buy one, and when they can’t tell you, let me know. You will remain anonymous. And I will get to use my Taser. I’m all bluff, or am I?

Also, if they showed up with two rectangular red stepping stones, they might have been stolen from under the Society Hall billboard on Sixth Street. I’m trying to figure out if I should be pissed because they only stole two, or happy because they left two. I used these stepping stones so that I didn’t compact the ground when changing the lettering on the sign. I have a couple of 3-leaf Sumacs that are going to take off next year and wanted to give them a nice area to grow! (I decided I’m pissed).

Speaking of Society Hall….we are hosting our “Burn the Mortgage” celebration next Saturday, the 22nd.  We have lined up six entertainment acts that will perform both inside and outside. We will have Gosar Sausages for your eating enjoyment. Of course, we will have cold beer and wine, so ID’s are a must. The event is free, but we are asking for donations, with all proceeds going towards our mortgage.

As I think back on the four years since the ‘Hall’ was discovered…I couldn’t be more proud of anything I have done in Alamosa. I remember seeing Charlotte Orth (RIP) coming down the steps that first weekend of September 2014. I remember calling Don & Teri McCartney Richmond before I had even left my parking spot. I remember showing the building to so many people that the realtor finally let me keep a key. I remember asking the Christian Science Society members if I could leave the front porch lights on so it looked like someone loved that old building. 

To this day, the community has supported Society Hall in many, many ways. Although we are a non-profit, we have operated like a business, and thus, the goal of paying off our loan—or at least taking a chunk out of the balance. If you haven’t seen the Hall, please come down and take a look. It really is a pretty awesome facility. AND…with a donation from Bob and Regina Rice we are in the process of ordering the necessary sound equipment to do LIVE RECORDINGS!! Can you imagine buying a CD---recorded “LIVE” at Society Hall in Alamosa, Colorado’! WOW!!

P.S. We can give you information on tax incentives for donating to the Hall. Just let me know! Thank you to EVERYONE who has supported Society Hall—we couldn’t have done it without you. See you next Saturday, I hope.

Before next week would everyone please drive by the old Kmart building where the Valley-Wide offices are and also by the new Justice Center? I’ll have a question for you in the next column.