Valley Gardening: Support Peyton's bake sale today


Is this weather ever going to get cold again? I know we have had nice winters before, but I don’t know that we have ever had it so nice for so long…like really long. Even if it snows 3-4’ at a time now, we all know that it is all downhill. Shoveling would almost be a joy—even though I’m sure we will all complain, because that’s just human nature, right?

I was talking with a customer earlier Friday who asked about whether or not they should water their shrubs and trees or not. I lean towards getting some water on them. If this dry weather continues, my common sense tells me that having moisture in the ground will help these plants get through this drought period. I am seeing lots of budding out on all types of shrubs. Hopefully they know that the weather is going to get cold again, and will hunker down before they get too far along. Otherwise, you can forget about any lilac blooms. Fruit trees could also suffer. 

All that being said, I have given up on trying to figure out what is going on. I know that I have a good supply of wood for NEXT year, which means those folks who rely on selling wood are feeling the pinch this year. It also means that the folks who earn some extra money shoveling or plowing snow have not earned that extra income this year. If those folks didn’t earn any money this winter, which means they don’t have extra money to spend in their respective towns---I can see all of you thinking how smart I am, right? What I am trying to say…is shop local and support your locally owned businesses. It is SO-O-O important.

I am the first one to admit you may pay a little extra, but as your community becomes healthier the rewards are so huge—for everybody! Just walk down the street in your town and get to know the owners. Ask them how they are doing. 

I told you about a few businesses that I/Society Hall supported last week. Let me tell you about a couple more. Kent from the Bistro Rialto brought over a huge sheet cake for Peyton Sanchez’s bake sale tomorrow—didn’t even have to ask. Fidella Gibbs, from the Campus Café has donated some cinnamon rolls that are Peyton’s favorites! Actually, they are everyone’s favorites! And Mark M. at Safeway donated cookies[1]. 

By the time you read this the bake sale will be going full-speed ahead. Because of Peyton, we will have fire trucks, police cars, sheriff’s cars and ambulances stopping by! Thanks to all of you guys for supporting this young man! Don Stagner already brought in some fudge AND told me that he doesn’t make it for just anyone (because of the severe arthritis in his hands), but Peyton is special. Sue Robinson brought in some muffins. Audrey Kunkel from Questa brought in chocolate chip cookies that I already paid $60 for—so good! Sharon Meyer is doing her baking tonight and Kathy Lore is at the oven as we speak. This will be a high-calorie bake sale! Take a break from your New Year’s resolutions and help support Peyton in his causes! Animals!

The Hockey Rink/Pavilion is now open. It looks beautiful from the pictures! Time will tell if this facility supports itself…or comes close. I did have one parent come in who had to buy a hockey stick for her child to play and it cost $95—yikes! I would only hope that all kids can ice-skate, whether or not they have the required entry fee or money for skates, etc. What is our recreation tax for? Will we be finding out exactly what the costs are for this facility—the entire costs?

And, I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating….why can’t a private/public partnership be created to put a cover over Splashland? I certainly swim way more than I would ever ice-skate and I believe I am safe in saying that many of the kids with special needs that I am around could sit/swim in a nice, warm pool where they will never be able to skate—NEVER! Can we start working on a cover for the pool??!

I’ve gotta go—Peyton is so excited about the bake sale tomorrow, that I just have to be ready with tables, etc. Hope to see you today! And thank you!