Valley Gardening: Time to pray for snow


Where has the month of November gone? And where is the snow? It has been absolutely wonderful being able to work outside, but it is getting to the point of really needing some moisture! 

I was trying to explain to someone that if the ski areas, specifically Wolf Creek, lose out on their Thanksgiving business that they can’t make that up! It’s lost money.  And it hurts all of us—South Fork, Creede, Del Norte, etc. They might get some spring business if the snows ever get here, but even that isn’t guaranteed. I guess it’s time for everyone to pray for snow. Hurray, just talked to a customer who was snowboarding on Thursday at Wolf Creek and he said it was absolutely wonderful!

It has been so nice out, that I have had perennials freeze, and now they are starting to grow again. Even some Iris I never got planted are sending off new foliage. And some Monarda that I dug up in June, and never got planted, has sat in a pot for all these months, and now it is growing again. The perennials I will just let freeze again, and I will probably experiment on the Iris. Maybe plant some up in pots and put some in my basement and try and keep them dormant. Time will tell.

I really hate to say it, but you might think about watering this weekend. Not flood irrigating, but some water on your shrubs and trees sure won’t hurt. It is supposed to get colder next week so try and get your gardens going into the next season with some moisture in the ground. And let’s all, again, hope for snow—it is after all, December.

You probably already know it, but Domino’s Pizza raised $2,800 for the Peyton Sanchez family! How wonderful is that? I guess I am so proud of them, because we don’t often see a chain type store/restaurant doing this type of thing. Peyton continues to be everyone’s hero! That’s all, he’s just a hero, an inspiration!

That being said…I hope to raise $3,000 or more at our “Memories and Reflections” celebration on December 19th—at the Green Spot. If you have never been before, please feel free to join us for a night of honoring those who are waging a battle against cancer, remembering those who have lost the fight, and celebrating the survivors!

We build some glass shelves (thanks Hogue’s Glass) around our pond. We have candle lanterns that folks can light and place around the pond. Donations of $10 and $20 are accepted for the candles, with all funds going to the SLV Cancer Relief Fund. We remember, we shed a few tears, we laugh, and we live life—to the fullest. How else can we honor those we have lost?

We don’t allow any Christmas shopping because that’s not what this night is about. My family kids me and says “you know, other businesses have open houses in November and early December to encourage people to shop.” I guess I’m different—you all knew that. I think my customers and supporters shop with me all year, for which I am very grateful, and this is our way of saying thanks, and also supporting the SLV Cancer Relief Fund, which does so much for our community.

We, Larry and Ruthie Brown, supply the meat and trimmings, but many folks bring salads and desserts.  We are working with the Valley Food Co-op for finger foods from that great store—have you been in there lately? If not, you should give them a try. They need your support, same as any other local business! I’m thinking we will also have Gosar sausages and even Gosar gift boxes available—a perfect gift! Have you shopped local this week? Support your local community—thank you very much!

Why Tuesday, December 19th, you ask? For my whole life, my Dad would get up on the 19th of December in Luverne, Minnesota, hang the American flag and say “____ years ago today I was in prison camp”, and that’s all he would say. That was the day he was captured by the Germans.  My seven siblings and I knew that this was a quiet day in the Iveland household. Very quiet. From this year forward our “Memories and Reflections” celebration will always be on the 19th of December—no matter what day of the week.  Thank you Dad for my freedoms.