Wilson returns from LDS mission


LA JARA — Mitchell Wilson recently returned from serving a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Wilson served in the California Redlands Mission, an English-speaking mission, which is located in southern California, east of Los Angeles. Mitchell is a 2015 graduate of Centauri High School in La Jara.

Wilson reports that his mission was a successful experience. He loved working with the different people and learning about their cultures. Whether he was with the Samoan, Chinese, Arabic, English, or Hispanic people, he learned that all were family oriented. Many lived around their family and took care of each other. He said that even though most people lived simple lifestyles, they are very caring and good people.

Mitchell described how he could see the hand of God every day though the lives of the people he served. He shared how it is God’s spirit that uplifts people, and He is always mindful of our situations. Mitchell affirmed that the most important lesson for all, no matter where we are in life, is to learn that God cares about each of us, and we should care about others too and build positive relationships. Throughout his report, Mitchell reiterated that God loves each of us, and we need to see others as God sees them and not with the prejudices of the world.

Mitchell plans on staying in the Valley until January and working. He will then go to school and study in the field of medicine.