Women’s march draws 350


Women’s marches were celebrated across the nation this past weekend, including one in Alamosa last Saturday, Jan. 20. Women’s rights are human rights and as such, walkers included women, men, children, dogs, and those in spirit who could not attend the march.

The Drumline from ASU set the pace for the nearly two-mile walk through downtown and returning to campus. An estimated crowd of 350 walked in unity to end violence and sexual predation, promote economic and environmental justice, support health care access for all, reproductive, LGBTQ, worker’s, civil, disability, and immigrant rights.

A program followed at Carson Auditorium on the Adams State University campus utilizing the theme of “Women’s Voices, Women’s Allies.” Moderator Patricia Eagle welcomed the smaller indoor crowd. Milcah Hawke and Jessica Chacon opened with a unifying chant. Trudi Kretsinger shared a story about the power of the voice. Rhonda Schoenecker lead a song from the civil rights era. Marlena Antonucci facilitated a panel dialog of young leaders. Shirley Atencio and Patricia Eagle closed the forum with a shared blessing.

Courtesy photos by Carmille Garcia.