Adams State gears up for the Fall semester


ALAMOSA — The Adams State University community enjoyed an all-campus breakfast on the lawn in front of Richardson Hall on the stunningly beautiful Friday morning of Aug. 16. The breakfast event welcomed faculty, staff, and students back to the Alamosa campus.

Vice President of Academic Affairs Margaret Doell said, "This is one of the busiest days of the year when we welcome students, faculty, and staff. We are welcoming a new batch of faculty; we have upwards of 15 new undergraduate faculty and about ten new clinical faculty.

"I am so excited to see new students from the region, elsewhere in Colorado and across the country. We really have a mix of students. We're in a great place regarding leadership and positivity on campus."

Doell added that after breakfast, an all-staff meeting was scheduled, followed by a convocation for new students.

Custodian Clayton Davis, who has been at the university for the past 11 years, said that he enjoys his work, and the laid-back pace of the Valley is an excellent place for students to get a great education, and ASU is the perfect place to do so.

At the breakfast, Senior Institutional Researcher at ASU, Becky Meidinger, who is on the Employee Appreciation Committee, was handing out small stress-reducing toys in the shape of the university mascot, the grizzly bear.