Conover celebrates ‘Cheap Land Colorado’ in paperback


ALAMOSA — On Tuesday, July 30, Ted Conover’s highly praised book “Cheap Land Colorado: Off-Gridders at American’s Edge” is coming out in paperback, and Conover is choosing Milagro’s Coffee House in Alamosa as the first event of his publicity tour. Sponsored by Narrow Gauge Books, the evening will begin at 6 p.m.

“Cheap Land Colorado” is the product of four years Conover spent, off and on, among a community of off-gridders living in the San Luis Valley. Observing without preconception and then writing without judgment, Conover tells the stories of people he came to know, in, some cases, very well. Their histories are as varied as one would expect among those who have deliberately distanced themselves from others, revealing some who are generous and welcoming, others who are angry and distrusting and still others on their way to becoming one or the other.

“Cheap Land Colorado” was first published in November of 2022 and was immediately hailed as another great work by the Pulitzer finalist and winner of the National Critics Circle Award who was described by the New York Times as “one of our great narrative journalists.”

Reviewing for the Washington Post, Jennifer Reese wrote, “With his thorough and compassionate reportage, Conover conjures a vivid, mysterious subculture populated by men and women with riveting stories to tell. To read ‘Cheap Land Colorado’ is to take a drive through a disquieting, beguiling landscape with an openhearted guide, windows down, snacks in the cooler, no GPS. It’s a ride I didn’t want to end.”

For those who have not yet read the book, Tuesday evening is an opportunity to pick up a paperback copy and listen to the man who lived the story.

And, for those who are already familiar with “Cheap Land Colorado,” the paperback edition contains a new epilogue with updates on the book’s main characters.

When asked why he chose Alamosa as the inaugural site for the publicity tour, Conover says, “I will take any opportunity to be in the Valley — this will be my third visit so far this year. Beyond that, the community really turned out for the book’s original launch, in November 2022 — both for the original event at Milagros Coffee House and for my conversation with President David Tandberg at Adams State. And finally, it’s particularly gratifying for an author to speak to an audience that already knows something about the subject — that’s something you can’t find in New York!”

During the event Tuesday evening, Conover plans to “give a talk and brief reading and take questions. I may also tell about the article I reported on for Outside this spring about the two sisters (and teenage son of one of them) who ‘went off-grid’ near Gunnison the summer before last and died.” He goes on to add, “And yes, I'll happily sign everyone’s copies of the book.”

Anyone who has been to one of Conover’s events connected with “Cheap Land Colorado” knows the man is a master storyteller who does not disappoint.  So, mark it on your calendars: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 30, Milagros Coffee House, 539 Main St., Alamosa.