Dancing across stages for over 50 years


ALAMOSA – Beautiful outfits and intricate steps keep the tradition of Mexican baile folklórico alive at Adams State University. Photos from over five decades of Semillas de la Tierra performances are currently on display in the Adams State University Luther Bean Museum.

A reception celebrating the music, stories, and dances is scheduled from 4 until 6 p.m. Thursday, July 18, in the museum, located on the second floor of Richardson Hall.

The event also features wardrobe fashions, worn by current Semillas de la Tierra members, and event posters, created by Rogelio Briones, Audrey Liu, Javier González, and Cathy McCurdy.

Herman, Ph.D., Class of 1969, and Patsy, Class of 1970 and 1990, Martinez founded Semillas de la Tierra in the fall of 1972. They will join current director Domingo Estrada for brief remarks.

The reception is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. The Luther Bean Museum is open from 1:30 until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.