It’s still Kit Carson

Indecision keeps mountain’s name unchanged


SANGRE DE CRISTO MOUNTAINS —The proposal to rename Kit Carson Mountain in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains continues. The Colorado Geographical Naming Advisory Board again discussed the issue at its meeting in May but took no action. The name change has been before the board since last year, and it will again discuss it on Aug. 26.

The proponents of the 14,167-foot peak's name change advocate removing Carson's name, stemming from his violence against Navajo and Apache tribes in the 1800s. Carson was a frontier legend, fur trapper, wilderness guide, Indian agent, and U.S. Army officer. In 1865, Carson became the commander of Fort Garland.

The geographic board was created by Governor Jared Polis in 2020 to evaluate proposals concerning name changes, new names, and name controversies of geographic features and certain public places in the State of Colorado and then make official recommendations to the governor.

In an interview with this reporter in September 2022 regarding the possibility of changing the name of Kit Carson, Polis said, "First, we give heavy weight to what local residents want. The geographic naming board sends recommendations to me that we advance to the federal government. Often it begins with a classroom of students or local officials, and it builds — and the naming board is part of that. It starts with local residents."

In November 2023, Saguache County Commissioners voted in favor of a name change without specifically choosing one. Since then, the commissioners have proposed new names that the board has not considered, as those names are already in use.

In a statement made on Aug. 7 to the Valley Courier, Saguache Commissioner Liza Marron wrote, "We have been successful with connecting with a Ute representative from the Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Historic Preservation Office as well as the Assistant Director for Tribal Affairs at the Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

"They are researching the original name for the mountain pre-colonization. The Crestone Town Board hopes to invite a contingent of Ute representatives to come to Crestone, share a meal, and discuss the naming. It seems this is moving forward. The wish by most parties is that the historic inhabitants of this area have the naming opportunity for the majestic mountain that looks down on us from the Sangre de Cristo range."

The Colorado Geographical Naming Advisory Board will meet on Aug. 26 from 5 to 7 p.m. and again consider renaming Kit Carson Mountain.

For details on how to view the meeting via ZOOM, use Meeting ID 885 7290 3329 and Passcode 266179.