Wave of optimism for ASD community 


The recent release of the Alamosa School District's preliminary Performance Frameworks has brought forth a wave of optimism within our school community. These reports, which offer a comprehensive overview of school and district performance based on statewide and local measures, are not just dry statistics; they are a reflection of our students' dedication, our educators' passion, and the collective effort of a community that deeply values education. 

One of the standout stories in this year’s report is Alamosa Elementary School (grades 3-5), which has proudly maintained its “Performance” rating, represented by a Green designation. This rating is more than just a color on a chart; it’s a symbol of consistency, resilience, and a learning environment that remains steadfast in its commitment to academic growth. The Green rating indicates that the school meets statewide expectations in areas such as academic achievement, academic growth, and the narrowing of achievement gaps. For Alamosa Elementary 3-5, maintaining this rating is a testament to the hard work of the students, teachers, and parents who collaborate daily to create a nurturing and effective learning environment. 

Ortega Middle School has also shown significant promise this year. The school maintained its rating of “Accredited with a Performance Plan” (Yellow), which signifies that while the school is on a positive trajectory, there are still areas to improve. However, the noteworthy aspect here is that Ortega Middle School has not just held its ground but has demonstrated measurable improvement. This progress is particularly commendable as it highlights the school’s proactive approach to addressing challenges and its commitment to continuous improvement. The Yellow rating indicates that Ortega Middle School is making strides in meeting statewide expectations, especially in areas such as academic growth and the reduction of performance gaps among different student groups. Our staff’s ongoing efforts to implement targeted interventions and innovative teaching strategies are clearly bearing fruit, and the future looks bright for OMS. 

The crowning achievement in this year’s Performance Frameworks report, however, belongs to Alamosa High School. Not only did the high school maintain its “Performance” rating (Green), but it also improved its overall score by an impressive five points. This leap forward is a clear indication that Alamosa High School is not content with merely meeting expectations—it’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. The improvement in the score is a result of enhanced academic programs, a stronger focus on student engagement, and an overall commitment to raising the bar in all areas of student achievement. For a high school to not only sustain a top-tier rating but also to elevate its performance within that category speaks volumes about the dedication of its educators, the ambition of its students, and the support of its community. AHS has maintained its Performance rating for 11 years, which is a testament to the standard they have set for themselves. 

These results are not just a cause for celebration—they are a call to action. The Performance Frameworks provide actionable information that we used to identify areas of success that can be emulated across the district and spotlight areas where targeted interventions are needed. 

For example, the consistency of Alamosa Elementary School 3-5’s performance could serve as a model for other schools aiming to achieve or maintain high standards. Similarly, the progress at Ortega Middle School could provide valuable insights into effective strategies for schools working to close performance gaps and elevate their ratings. 

Moreover, the success at Alamosa High School serves as an inspiring reminder of what can be achieved with a focused and collaborative effort. The high school's improvement is a clear indicator that when educators, students, and the community unite in their goals, significant progress is not just possible—it’s inevitable. 

As we look forward, it’s essential to build on these successes and continue to foster an environment where every student in the Alamosa School District can thrive. The Performance Frameworks reports are a valuable tool in this endeavor, offering a clear snapshot of where we stand and where we can go from here. With continued dedication, strategic planning, and community support, there’s no doubt that all of our schools will continue to improve. 

In closing, the excitement surrounding this year’s Performance Frameworks is well-deserved. The accomplishments of Alamosa Elementary School 3-5, Ortega Middle School, and Alamosa High School are a testament to the power of perseverance, innovation, and community spirit. We will take this moment to celebrate our successes, learn from our challenges, and continue to work together to ensure that every student in the Alamosa School District receives the high-quality education they deserve. The future is bright, and with this momentum, we are well on our way to achieving even greater heights. 

Diana Jones is superintendent of the Alamosa School District and Luis Murillo is the assistant superintendent of ASD.