Forest Service seeks input on Fox Creek project


ANTONITO – The Rio Grande National Forest is seeking public input on the proposed Fox Creek Vegetation Management Project located on the Conejos Peak Ranger District 14 miles west of Antonito. The Forest has made a preliminary determination that the proposal falls within a category of actions which are excluded from documentation in an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement.

The proposed 5,029-acre project area includes mixed conifer and aspen forests, and grasslands. Forested lands in the area have experienced a variety of insect infestations and disease leading to an overall decline in forest health and an accumulation of dead woody material. Proposed treatments would reduce the density of coniferous trees and accumulated dead woody material, stimulate aspen regeneration and improve wildlife habitat for deer, elk, bighorn sheep and other wildlife species. Treatment methods would include thinning live trees, salvaging dead and dying trees, cutting aspen to induce sprouting of young trees, and prescribed burning.

Written input on the Fox Creek Vegetation Management Project would be most useful if received by February 5. Input may be emailed to; sent by facsimile to 719-274-6301; hand delivered at the Conejos Peak Ranger District office; or mailed to the Conejos Peak Ranger District, Fox Creek Vegetation Management Project, 15571 County Road T.5, La Jara, CO 81140, Attention Andrea Jones.

For more information, click on the Fox Creek Vegetation Management Project link at