Help send Don Richmond to bandcamp


ALAMOSA — A few weeks ago, I asked Don Richmond if I (and others) could "send him to camp." I could feel him wondering, "what is she up to now", as he smiled at me. Let me explain. We are raising funds for this worthwhile and wonderful experience.

I'm never sure why these ideas pop in my head...but a few weeks ago, I saw a posting on Facebook about a guitar camp in Nashville, sponsored by Tommy Emmanuel — one of the world's greatest guitar players. Tommy performed in Alamosa many years ago and everyone who heard him was blown away. Don was the sound engineer and was likewise in awe. I remember him wondering if he should go home and practice, practice, practice or just cut off his hands in desperation.

As I read about the hit me...I wondered if we could raise enough money to send Donnie to this camp. I thought of how much Don Richmond has done for everyone in the San Luis Valley...and beyond. I thought about the 25 years of him opening the Sunshine Festival. I thought of him playing at our wedding. I thought of him playing at memorial services, and fund-raisers, and Christmas sing-a-longs. I thought of Society Hall, and how we would not be where we are today, without Donnie.

I thought of Donnie turning 70 next fall (I am right behind him) and what a great present this would be. All we your help! This camp is all-inclusive...motel room, all meals, tours of the Gibson Guitar Factory, all day music sessions, and every evening a concert! Emmy Lou Harris and others would also be there. We will also be sending Teri McCartney to share in this once in a lifetime experience — how great is that?

The camp is the end of August beginning of September. The Tommy Emmanuel folks are holding a spot open.

If you want to help and have questions, give me a call at 719-580-7838. Or stop by the Green Spot in Alamosa.

Donations can be made via VENMO if that works for you — @RuthieBrown711.

We need to raise $6,000. I will keep you all updated. Thank you, again! Please share far and wide!