Hiker rescued from Blanca Massif


SANGRE DE CRISTO MOUNTAINS — On June 24, Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue (AVSAR) received a call from a hiker that had gotten lost while down climbing the Little Blanca— Blanca Traverse route; a mile-long ridge between Little Bear Peak and Blanca Peak. The route includes a descent on a ridge that is between 1 and 10 feet.
AVSAR triangulated the location of the hiker and determined he was off the traverse route and in Blanca Creek Basin.
Helicopter assistance from Guardian Flight out of Alamosa was dispatched, while en route, the pilot timed out of flight hours. A Lifeline5 helicopter was dispatched to Incident Command. Lifeline5 attempted to insert two AVSAR team members utilizing night vision goggles. While over the Blanca Basin and after spotting the hiker, there was no ambient light to be able to land safely in the basin.

At first daylight, rescue personnel would be inserted by helicopter to assist and medically stabilize the hiker. AVSAR leadership remained in regular contact with the hiker via text message and calls to continually assess the hiker's mental and physical status. Once contact was made with the hiker, it was apparent he was suffering from a medical emergency related to being dehydrated and hypothermic.

A rescue registered nurse was inserted with medical supplies with another team member to begin to stabilize the hiker. It was then decided this hiker needed an emergency evacuation.

Canon Helitack was requested for extraction and a helicopter from REACH 29 in Salida was requested for medical assistance. The hiker and two AVSAR team members were extracted. Once at the incident command post, the hiker was transferred to REACH29 to begin immediate medical treatment, in addition to what was done in the field. They then flew the hiker to San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center in Alamosa.

AVSAR reminds everyone, “This is a great example of why the 10 essentials are critically important to have. The hiker quickly deteriorated because he did not have access to water and extra layers beyond what he had on him. His headlamp was dying and had no additional light source.”

The Valley Courier has reached out to AVSAR regarding the medical condition of the hiker and is awaiting a response.