Internationally recognized artist will exhibit in the Cloyde Snook Gallery


ALAMOSA — Two contemporary art exhibitions at Adams State University bring an entirely new look at explorations with light, glass and photo-upcycled materials. Artist Robin Stanaway’s exhibition;“Light and Glass — in the spirit of Taos Alchemy,” and Mary Hofman’s exhibition; “Upcycle: A Play on Light,” will open November 10 in the Adams State Galleries.

Stanaway’s work will be installed in the Cloyde Snook Gallery and Hoffman’s work will be in the adjacent Hatfield Gallery.  The opening reception is scheduled from 5 until 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 10. 

Stanaway works with hand blown and fused glass, projected and reflected light to generate sculptural installations which immerse the viewer in a contemplative experience.

“This work is my response to our cluttered world,” Stanaway said.

The artwork presented in this upcoming exhibition has been created in and influenced by Stanaway’s sixteen years of living in the light of Taos, N.M.

The artist’s work is permanent collections such as the National Museum of Women in the Arts, as well as public art commissions.

Stanaway earned an M.F.A. in glass sculpture from Ohio State University. Stanaway exhibits extensively including shows in New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Amsterdam, Paris and Germany, as well as Santa Fe and Taos, N.M.

The exhibition will continue through Dec. 15. For more information on Stanaway, visit STANAWAY.GLASS.

Concurrently at Adams State’s Hatfield gallery the exhibit “Upcycle: A Play on Light,” by Mary Hoffman, is simpatico with Stanaway’s “Light and Glass” show. Hoffman is also a long-time resident of Taos, N.M.

Hoffman’s passion is to explore discarded material trends and re-purpose discarded material into utilitarian articles or art forms.

“Like many rural areas across America, recycling is optional and the pressure on landfills is overwhelming,” Hoffman said. “There is a need to draw attention to this challenge and art is an ideal way to get through to people.” 

In this exhibit, Hoffman utilizes discarded, archival fine-art photo slides and other materials that reflect light to create functional works that result in tranquil atmospheres. 

Hoffman has received multiple awards and fellowships and has exhibited throughout Colorado and northern New Mexico.