McKinley announces for Alamosa County treasurer


ALAMOSA COUNTY — With more than 20 years working for Alamosa County until recently taking a job with the City of Alamosa, Mosca resident Amy McKinley announced her candidacy for Alamosa County Treasurer.

Current Treasurer Lois Widhalm is not seeking re-election.

McKinley, a Republican, was employed with Alamosa County from January 1993 to December 2015. She currently works for the City of Alamosa as the human resources/risk manager.

She also previously served as payroll manager for Adams State University.

Duties while working at the county included being the recovery technician for Alamosa County Department of Human Services, the accounting technician for Alamosa County Department of Human Services, accountant for Alamosa County administration, and the accountant for Alamosa County Department of Human Services. While working at the county in all of her various roles she always worked closely with the Alamosa County Treasurer.

She accompanied Widhlam and then-Alamosa County Administrator Barry Shioshita to Pueblo County for the demonstration of the software that is still currently being used in the Alamosa County Treasurer’s Office today.

“I feel with all of my 20+ years of service to the county (all of them including directly working with the treasurer’s office) I am the ideal candidate for the position of Alamosa County Treasurer,” McKinley said.

“I feel I bring a strong set of qualities to the position because of all of my years of county work and understanding how the budget process and financial process of county government work. I am also very fortunate to have had exposure to some of the financial processes of higher education as well has having the current opportunity of learning about municipal finances and other municipal ordinances and policy and procedure.”  

McKinley was born and raised in the San Luis Valley. Her father is Everett Myers of Monte Vista and her mother is Linda Myers of Montrose.

McKinley has been married for 28 years to Robert McKinley, Jr.  and has two daughters Brooke, an Adams State business management graduate who is married to Brady Colvin and has a son Braxton, and Jenna, a student/athlete at CSU-Pueblo.

McKinley said she possesses the attributes she believes are important to being a good treasurer including trustworthy; methodical; attention to detail; communication and interpersonal skills.

“I am a great leader and will enjoy working with the staff in the treasurer’s office as well as looking forward to working with Alamosa County citizens and all of the other county treasurers across the state,” she said.

“Lois Widhalm is leaving some big shoes to fill,” she added. “She has done so many positive things for Alamosa County including all of her work with the tax lien sale and being so progressive with software and technology. She has also played a vital role in the Colorado Treasurer’s Association and Public Trustee Association as well as being a key player in the State Certification Program. If elected I would plan on continuing to move forward with all of the progressive and positive steps Lois has put into place for Alamosa County and the Treasurer’s Office.”