NRG plans new RV park in Alamosa


ALAMOSA — While Alamosa city council and staff continue conversations concerning the 325-space Rio Bravo RV resort that may include a portion of the city’s ranch property, the council placed its stamp of approval on another 40-space RV park during Wednesday night’s city council meeting.

The council unanimously ratified the city planning commission’s action on the preliminary plat for an RV park on vacant property just east of the North River Greenhouse and Landscaping Center at Highway 285 (West Avenue) and Seventh Street. The property is zoned commercial business, and RV parks are permitted uses in that zoning.

Owners Wade and Amy Price requested to subdivide their property to separate the greenhouse from the proposed RV park. Hearing no negative public comment in a public hearing earlier this year, the planning commission approved the preliminary plat on condition that adequate sewer and drainage be provided, a curve be modified on the internal drive to allow two-way vehicle traffic behind cars parked at the tent spaces and a device like a Knox Box be installed to allow police and fire departments access to the park in an emergency. The council ratified the planning commission’s decision.

The 40-space park will primarily accommodate recreational vehicles with water, sewer and electrical hookups but will also provide for about six tent camping spaces. The Prices plan to landscape (possibly through non-potable water) the area with trees, shrubs and flowers and secure it, with a punch-code gate on Ross Avenue that would allow guests to access the downtown area. Other amenities would include a fire pit with outdoor seating.

Sidewalk, curb and gutter would also be installed, and the access to the RV park would be off Seventh Street.

The council is continuing discussions with Rio Bravo developers regarding the transfer of a portion of the Alamosa Ranch property for the RV resort, and the council went into executive session Wednesday night to further discuss terms of a potential land exchange.

City Manager Heather Brooks said the council wanted this to be as transparent and public a process as possible, and she encouraged the community to continue giving input on the city’s web site ( She said council is considering one of the options the developers presented during public meetings and sessions with the council. The developers have met with golf course members, adjacent homeowners and the general public in multiple sessions.

The year-round membership resort is proposed to be built in two phases, with the approximately 35 acres of city ranch land anticipated as the first phase. The next phase would be developed on about 30 acres owned by the developers. The resort would be accessed off North River Road.

The discussions currently underway between developers and city council focus on the private property that would potentially be exchanged from the Cottonwoods Subdivision for a portion of the city ranch.