San Luis Valley Regional Airport has sights set on 2024


ALAMOSA — The new year brings changes to the San Luis Valley Regional Airport. Most daunting is the possible civil penalty the Federal Aviation Administration may levy against the airport for allegedly failing to ensure aircraft rescue and firefighting personnel were available during scheduled air carrier flights.

According to Rick Breitenfeldt with the FAA, an agreement regarding the matter will be made later this month. In June 2023, the FAA proposed a fine of $1.2 million for the alleged failures.

The airport plans to finalize a $6 per day parking fee that Airport Manager Will Hickman estimated will bring in $79,000 annually in revenue. The parking fee program has been approved by the airport advisory board.

At the last meeting of the Alamosa County Board of Commissioners, the parking fee was originally scheduled to be discussed at the Jan. 10 meeting to be finalized. Alamosa County Administrator Roni Wisdom has told the Valley Courier that item is not on the agenda.

As previously reported, passenger carrier Denver Air Connection will seek a renewal of its contract with the U.S. Department of Transportation and seek a subsidy for an additional four years under the Essential Air Service (EAS) Program when the bidding process begins in March.

In 2022, Denver Air, which offers service to Denver received EAS funding for a two-year period totaling $5.2 million. In 1978, the EAS program was put into place under section 419 of the Federal Aviation Act to ensure small communities such as the San Luis Valley are served and offer passenger service to larger airport, so the public has access to connecting flights nationally and worldwide.

On Thursday, Dec. 11, the Alamosa County Airport Advisory Board, which provides oversight for the facility, will have a regular meeting at the airport at 8:15 a.m. The meeting is open to the public.

On the agenda is an update from Hickman, and updates regarding a Homeland Security grant, general aviation, the marketing committee and Quest Car Rental.

Jon Coleman from Denver Air Connection is also on the agenda and it is not known if he will discuss the renewal of the contract with the Department of Transportation.