SLV CSU Extension grateful for CPAC’s support

Donations still being accepted


MONTE VISTA — On March 21 at the monthly Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (CPAC) meeting led by the executive director Jim Ehrlich, the San Luis Valley Colorado State University Extension Foundation was gifted $25,000. This donation is going toward the Endowment Fund being used for the hiring of the second 4-H youth specialist and 4-H programing.

“CPAC is a huge supporter of the SLV 4-H program that helps promote leadership and life skills education for our SLV youth,” officials stated.

Beginning in 2021, the SLV Extension office has been in a rebuilding period. After years of instability and a reduction of staff, Larry Brown has stepped into the leadership role to rebuild the extension in the San Luis Valley. 

In just two short years, the full-time staff has doubled, now operating with a Director/Ag Specialist, a Youth Development/4-H Specialist, a Family and Consumer Science Specialist, a Juntos 4-H Specialist, and office administrator.  The newest addition, made possible by 3 years of funding from the Outcalt Foundation, is a second 4-H Specialist.

The team’s focus now is to secure permanent funding for a second 4-H agent. Historically in the San Luis Valley Area Extension Program there have been two full-time Youth Development/4-H Specialists on staff.

Serving the youth of six counties can be overwhelming for even two Specialists. Because of limited funding, it has been twelve years since we had two Youth Development/ 4-H Specialists. In those 12 years they have had a single specialist on staff for six years and the other six years they did not have a Youth Development/4-H Specialist, at all. The enrollment and quality of the program has suffered due to inadequate staffing. 

“We are extremely grateful and appreciative of all who have generously jumped on board and contributed to the project. Once our funding in the endowment fund is secured, this community driven project will leave a lasting legacy for our youth,” officials stated.

Donations are still being accepted at the SLV CSU Extension Office. You can drop them off at 1899 E Highway 160, Monte Vista, or mail donations to: PO Box 30 Monte Vista, Co 81144. For more information, contact the Extension Office at 719-852-7381.