Candidate statement Lori Laske


I am excited to announce that I am running for re-election for Alamosa County Commissioner, District 1. I was born and raised in Alamosa County, I attended Alamosa High School, I have a bachelor's and master's degree from Adams State University, I am a small business owner with my husband, and we have a small ranch. I have been married to my husband for over 30 years and have four children and one grandson. My roots and passions are Alamosa County. It is more than a place; it is my home. I have done some good things in the last three years, but much more is needed. I want the honor of representing our citizens for another four years. 

In conjunction with my fellow commissioners, I feel that I have provided leadership and am an integral part of the Alamosa County team. I am a good candidate; I serve with integrity, a strong work ethic, and have experience in leading the county. For the past three years, I have worked especially hard on enhancing safety, increasing road maintenance, and have been fiscally responsible with county funds. 

The commissioners have pushed to enhance safety for our community by working to increase the Sheriff's Department's budget. These additional funds, over 1 million dollars (from the 2021 to 2024 budget), have increased the number of deputies, added needed equipment, and provided competitive salaries. We have increased the Alamosa County’s portion of the District Attorney's budget by (from the 2021 to 2024 budget), which has increased the number of attorneys and allowed for swifter prosecution.  

Based on citizens' input, we have increased the Road & Bridge Department budget for new equipment and directed funds for road oil, all within an environment of increasing cost.  For the first time in many years, we have also put funding towards blight mitigation and working to clean up dangerous properties. 

As far as fiscal responsibility. The fund balance had a increase from 2020 to 2022.  We planned and utilized the ARPA Funds responsibly, and strategically planned for future needs while securing our ability to provide services.   

Supporting Commissioner Heersink, we implemented 1041 Regulations to protect water resources.  

I have directly fought for Opioid Settlement funds coming to the SLV instead of the front range. I am working with the Colorado Department of Energy on a 1.7 million Federal grant to study the feasibility of a regional transmission line for reliance/redundancy of electricity and the option to export solar energy.   I am a current appointee to the Colorado Property Tax Task Force. I have taken on leadership roles, including the chair of the Alamosa County Commissioners in 2023 & 2024 and the chair of the 19-county Southern District of Colorado Counties Inc.  I am a current appointee to the Colorado Child Fatality Protection committee, and I am a Rural Caucus member of the National Association of County Commissioners.  

In all these groups, I am fighting for rural counties, safety, water, and our way of life while working to remind the state of the importance of rural Colorado.   

I appreciate the confidence the citizens of Alamosa County have put in me. I will continue to work hard and would appreciate the honor to continue to fight for Alamosa County citizens. Please feel free to contact me at 719-850-1640.