Weight room renovated at Alamosa Family Rec Center 


ALAMOSA — Regular visitors to the Alamosa Family Recreation Center will notice the weight room has recently been renovated. 

According to Andrew Rice, Director of Parks, Recreation and Library, told the Valley Courier, “We're pleased to announce the Alamosa Family Recreation Center (AFRC) recently overhauled the weight room with new Hoist Fitness Inc., resistance training machines. It's hard to believe our building is over 20 years old now and the new equipment brings state-of-the-art functional (and safe) resistance training to the public. An additional Smith Machine was added which allows patrons to bench press and squat with built in safeguards. A full set of free weights is also available and a personal trainer for reasonable rates is on staff.” 

The center has reasonable rates and offers a variety of exercise classes as well. 

Rice added, “Thank you to City Project Manager Steve Copley and Alcon Construction Inc. for excellent work in extending the roof out over the air handlers and repairing the stucco and foundation. This work should prolong building durability for many years. 

“The Adams State pedestrian bridge project and the Alamosa Riverfront Project are moving right along but not too much tangible progress to report on yet,” said Rice.