Violence in Alamosa: a public forum 

Conducted Sept. 19  by the DA’s office, ACSO and APD 


ALAMOSA — A public forum on violence in Alamosa will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Society Hall. 

“This community has witnessed an increase in violent criminal episodes over the summer months in the City and County of Alamosa,” writes DA Anne Kelly. “While these incidents do not signal any discernable trend, the District Attorney’s Office, the Alamosa Police Department and the Alamosa County Sheriff’s Office are responsible for ensuring that the community is well informed about how our agencies are responding to community concerns.” 

For this reason, local residents will have the opportunity to ask questions, express concerns and hear what leaders in law enforcement and the district attorney’s office are doing in response to the high level of violence the city has been experiencing lately.  

Alamosa County Sheriff Robert Jackson, Alamosa Police Department Chief George Dingfelder, District Attorney for the12th Judicial District Anne Kelly and Assistant District Attorney Wesley Stafford will be presenting information and responding to community questions. 

Anyone wishing to submit a question or concern prior to the forum can do so by sending an email to 

Society Hall is located at 400 Ross Ave. in Alamosa. Doors will open at 5:15 p.m.