McQuitty wins Joe I. Vigil prep girls race

Alamosa boys finish sixth, girls ninth


ALAMOSA – The 31st Annual Joe I. Vigil cross country race took place Saturday at Cattails Golf Course with 301 high school boys and 257 high school girls competing.

The Alamosa High School girls team finished in ninth place with 270 points. It was led by Elizabeth McQuitty who was the individual champion in 18:09.8. She set a new course record and it ties the school record set last year by Madeline Castillo.

“I was very impressed with Elizabeth’s racing strategy today,” said Alamosa coach Jen McQuitty. She held back the first mile and really made up ground that second mile. She’s off to a great start for the season.”

Following McQuitty were Victoria Gifford who was 38th in 20:57.1, Vanessa Villalva who was 65th in 21:58.8, Abigail Adams who was 99th in 22:55.0, Reese Canaan who was 103rd in 22:59.5, Isabella Lopez who was 164th in 24:55.2, Daelyn Jackson who was 200th in 25:50.8, Tecoa Archuleta who was 225th in 27:51.7, and Camryn Zook who was 234th in 28:36.1.

Centauri finished in eighth place with 244 points. It was led by Erica Miller who was 45th in 21:11.5, Kourtney Heikes who was 50th in 21:25.6, Bailey Graber who was 56th in 21.39.2, Ella Guymon who was 91st  in 22:41.5, Jocelyn Jarvies who was 98th in 22.52.3, Brooklyn Shawcroft who was 113th in 23:17.7, Faith Medellin who was 128th in 23:38.7, Alyvia Norton who was 135th in 23:54.2, Harper Russell who was 184th in 25:22.7, Lindsey Robins who was 185th in 25:22.7, Hannah Guymon who was 190th in 25:28.0, Beijah Sowards who was 191st in 25:28.0, Kylie Sowards who was 193rd in 25:28.5, Jeana Dunn who was 215th in 27:04.2, and Pepper Larson who was 223rd in 27:28.2.

None of the other local girls teams had enough runners to record a team score.

Del Norte and two runners with Frannie Edelin finishing 35th in 20:54.7, and Madeline Mitchell was 95th in 22:43.0.

Center also had two runners. Anahlicia Villagonez was 231st in 28:21.8, and Lavine Casas Hernandez was 256th in 34:57.9.

Antonito also entered two runners. Evoley Garcia was 248th in 31:48.1, and Anali Garcia was 249th in 31:49.5,

Monte Vista had one entrant in Veronica Kincannon who was 238th in 29:22.0.

Cheyenne Mountain won the girls team championship with 87, followed by Manitou Springs with 88 and Salida with 96.

In the boys race, Alamosa finished in sixth place with 175 points. The Mean Moose were led by Ethan Merrick who was eighth in 16:24.4. He set a freshman record for the best time on the course.

Following Merrick were Tyler Dokson who was 27th in 17:11.1, Jeremiah DeLaCerda who was 28th in 17:15.0, Cody Williams who was 53rd in 17:42.6, Brody Artaechevarria who was 71st in 18:12.1, William Wilson who was 119th in 19:23.0, Cody DiCamillo who was 178th in 20:47.5, Danny Lopez who was 219th in 21:56.4, Jack Daniel Lopez who was 235th in 22:40.7, and Matthew Hollingsworth who was 245th in 23:16.5.

“Each week, we continue to improve our pack time, our form and are physical strength,” coach McQuitty said, “The boys are currently ranked third in 3A behind Salida and The Classical Academy.”

Centauri finished in 11th place with 328 points.  Leading the Falcons were Carson Bagwell who was 23rd in 17:07.8, Lincoln Bagwell who was 48th in 17:38.4, Tyrell Hostetter who was 68th in 18:08.2, Dice Koontz who was 103rd in 18:58.4, Troy Sowards who was 133rd in 19:49.7, Rhett Taylor who was 168th in 20:31.6, Gavin Graber who was 187th in 20:59.2, Liam Sowards who was 247th in 23:31.5, and Hunter Horton who was 264th in 24:43.9.

Del Norte placed 19th with 517. The Tigers’ competitors included Josiah Yokum who was 104th in 18:59.0, Jax Lester who was 105th in 18:59.3, Cruz Matta who was 111th in 19:07.0, Caleb Cowett who was 122nd in 19:28.2, Landon Crowder who was 177th in 20:47.3, and Tomas Benevides who was 246th in 23:17.7.

Sierra Grande finished in 27th place with 842. Running for the Panthers were Garrick Pettigrew who was 140th in 20:01.0, Daniel Rodriguez who was 255th in 24:02.3, Kayo DeLeon who was 277th in 25:57.8, Larson Howard who was 298th in 33:51.1, and Eugene Alleart who was 299th in 33:59.9.

Centennial was 28th with 893 points.  Running for the Rams were Zachariah Jacquez who was 212th in 21:48.4, Tyree Casias who was 291st in 29:51.9, Amado Montoya who was 292nd in 30:01.7, Aaron Salcido who was 296th in 31:15.5, and Delfino Rael who was 297th in 31:22.3.

The remaining local schools did not have enough runners to record a team score.

Antonito had four runners and the Trojans were led by Everett Holloway who was 167th in 20:30.4, Dean Garcia who was 183rd in 20:54.5, Nick Mondragon who was 284th in 27:09.8 and Steven Velasquez who was 285th in 27:24.0.

Center had three participants. The Viking runners included Andree Meraz who was 137th in 19:58.5, Kevin Tomas-Lopez who was 289th in 29:13.5, and Raymond Guerrero who was 290th in 29:51.1.

Monte Vista had two entries. Nehemiah Espinoza was 238th in 22:53.0, and Robert Horner was 293rd in 30:40.1.

Cheyenne Mountain also won the boys team championship with 38 points, followed by Salida with 70.

It will be another busy week for the local cross country programs. Antonito, Center, Monte and Sierra Grande will be at Bayfield, Centauri and Del Norte will be at Gunnison.

Alamosa and Centennial will have an open week.

Boys team scores

Cheyenne Mountain 38, Salida 70, Durango 131, El Paso Pebble Hills (Texas) 137, Taos (N.M.) 161, Alamosa 175, Zuni (N.M.) 217, Fountain-Fort Carson 220, Crested Butte 274, Mesa Ridge 298, Centauri 328, Manitou Springs 357, Dolores 422, Santa Fe (N.M.) 458, Widefield 458, Rocky Ford 490, Gunnison 498, Bayfield 507, Del Norte 517, Forge Christian 519, Rye 546, Lake County 554, Caprock Academy 559, Pagosa Springs 599, Montezuma-Cortez 619, Pueblo County 621, Sierra Grande 852, Centennial 893.

Girls team scores

Cheyenne Mountain 87, Manitou Springs 88, Salida 96, Durango 127, Woodland Park 166, Fountain-Fort Carson 195, Gunnison 198, Centauri 244, Alamosa 270, Mesa Ridge 328, Lake County 333, El Paso Pebble Hills (Texas) 355, Caprock Academy 367, Taos (N.M.) 369, Zuni (N.M.) 378, Pagosa Springs 396, Santa Fe (N.M.) 397, Dolores 458, Widefield 499, Crested Butte 517, Bayfield 590, Pueblo County 633, Hoehne 692.