Prescribed burns planned for national wildlife refuges


ALAMOSA — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be conducting limited prescribed fire operations on the Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges to remove slash piles of natural materials including wood and brush to improve wildlife habitat.

Professional fire personnel from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mid-Plains Fire Zone, along with state, and federal partners, as needed, will conduct the fire operations. Planned target dates for burning will be during the remainder of June and through July. The Refuges’ Auto Tour Routes and Walking Trails may be temporarily closed to the public during fire operations for safety concerns.

“For your safety, please avoid these areas. Areas will re-open as soon as possible based on fire activity and safety,” officials stated.

Smoke will be visible to local residents, towns, and highways during the day and may last for a few days following burning operations. Signs will be posted along the nearest major roads and all burns will be monitored until they are declared completely out.

For up-to-date information, contact Alamosa and Monte Vista Refuge Manager Suzanne Beauchaine at 719-589-4021 x1003 or Assistant Refuge Manager Dean Lee at 719-589-4021 x1008, or Baca Refuge Manager Ty Benally at 719-256-5527.

Additional general information can be found on the San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex Facebook page at