Whirlwind of activity

Trout Republic


Miss Trixie and Ol’ Dutch have finally arrived in Colorful Colorado, and we are darned glad to be here, let me tell you what.

We had a heck of a time getting out of Texas as we were trying to get the siding on the new house before we left and hit all kinds of snags. Each of which could probably consume inches of column space, but I will spare you the details.

Suffice to say that the challenges were many and not easily addressed but we did finally get it on and weather tight, which meant we were able to leave – albeit, a week later than we had hoped for. Ol’ Dutch breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled out of the driveway and said a prayer over the property and cows, entrusting them to God and His Providence.

We always bring two vehicles along with us as Ol’ Dutch learned early that he does not want to be stuck at home while Miss Trixie galivants around the Valley going to garage sales, community events, or friends’ houses.

We had planned early on to stop and see Gidget and Moon Doggy at Wichita Falls, Texas, play some cards and have some laughs. So, it was only a hop, skip and a jump from the farm to their abode and Ol’ Dutch was really looking forward to it.

Just about the time we got within striking distance Miss Trixie informed me that there was a dangerous storm directly in our path. And even if you think the Internet is Satan’s spawn, it sure is nice to be able to get instant weather and radar wherever you might be.

Now Ol’ Dutch was raised on the Weather Channel and my Dad, Fast Freddy of Dodge City, Kansas, and Boot Hill fame, taught me early on to pay attention to the weather wherever you may be.

So, we had the very best radar and first-person weather reports and were able to stop in Nocona, Texas under an awning to wait out the hail, rain, and tornado. A quick prayer later and the storm took a track off to the north and we were able to proceed on our way.

The radar did indicate another smaller storm directly south of us but the future track feature of where it would go showed an easterly track and not towards us. We did find it a bit odd to pass 17 Storm Tracker vehicles headed east but thought they had just been in the storm we were in.

We arrived at our friends’ house and after a great steak dinner, we began a card game and the hilarities began anew but as I said, I am my father’s child when it comes to weather, and I kept close tabs on the radar during the ensuing hours that followed.

And true to Texas fashion, that storm that originated south of us grew into a monster with massive tornados that tracked across areas close to friends and family while all we could do was watch and pray.

The fearful thing hit a gas station with 150 people sheltered there plus an RV park not to mention all the people at the local lakes for a Memorial Day weekend of camping.

Sadly, many people lost their lives in a moment in time and my heart goes out to each family who lost a loved one or their homes. Words can never describe the pain they must be suffering today.

The tornado tracked on across the landscape and just missed our new house and farm, so we are blessed this morning and are ready to hit Colorado running.

As you know Miss Trixie is a social butterfly and we have an agenda packed full of things to do, people to see and places to be, starting tonight already with our Cajun friends and a great Louisiana style home cooked meal.

So, hang onto your hat as we once again try and do more in one summer than is humanly possible because Miss Trixie is gonna try.


Kevin Kirkpatrick and his Yorkie, Cooper, fish, hunt, ATV, or hike daily. His email is Kevin@TroutRepublic.com. Additional news can be found at www.troutrepublic.com or on Twitter at TroutRepublic.