Norman Ray Clark


SMITHVILLE, Texas —Norman Ray Clark passed away peacefully in his sleep June 23, 2019, in Smithville, Texas.   He was born March 6, 1944, in Dallas, Texas, to Norman and Genevieve Main Clark, of Hamilton, Texas. 

Norman was preceded in death by his parents, sister, Janice Clark Belvin, of Clifton, and two children, Jason Ray Clark, and Silvia Clark.  He is survived by two daughters, Shayla DaNell Clark, of Muldoon, Texas, and Nell Warrick, of Queen Creek, Ariz., her husband, Steve, and children, Danny, Katie, Kellie, Brady, Megan and Abby, and a nephew, Troy Belvin, of Ft Worth, Texas.

Norman made a career with EDS as a computer programmer and later established two businesses.  He lived in Alamosa, for almost 30 years. He moved to Clifton Texas, living near his sister, Janice, and brother in law, EJ Belvin for the past few years.

He loved his family, enjoyed playing golf, watching all sports on TV, and time spent hiking and fishing.  

Memorial Service for Norman Clark will be held at Cattails Golf Course in Alamosa on Sunday, Sept. 1 at 3 p.m. in the restaurant area.

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