The meaning of national parks


GREAT SAND DUNES NATIONAL PARK AND PRESERVE — In celebration of National Park Week, Valley Courier news editor John Waters went to Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, where he asked visitors what the parks mean to them and what they think of the quote from American writer Wallace Stegner, "The national parks are the best idea we ever had."

Daniel Evans visiting from Chicago, Ill., offered this, "I love them. I've been to about 20 national parks, and I hope to make it to all of them before I don't like camping anymore.

Regarding the best idea quote, "I agree. I wish we had more hotels and resorts near national parks; many Canadian parks like Banff National Park do."

Several national parks, including Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Crater Lake, and Grand Teton, do have hotels.

A man from Kansas City, Mo., who did not provide his full name said, "Being outdoors and seeing all the different kinds of landscapes the U.S. offers. One of the things people can experience going from the east to west coast is all of the different landscapes and the uniqueness. I just love seeing all of that."

On the best idea? "I like that, and I would probably agree. The accessibility is great, with everyone coming into all the parks and seeing everything."

Mary Albright of Bismarck, N.D., "The wide-open skies, we've been to Mesa Verde, Petrified Forest, and this park in the last week. Each one is different, and there is so much to explore. The trails are beautiful; we went on the petroglyphs trail at Mesa Verde, and it was beautiful."

Best Idea? "I agree, there are so many sites like the Petrified Forest, and it is protected; trees would be gone, and people would be taking them. We went to White Sands [National Park]. They mined the gypsum and sand in [nearby] Mexico. People don't respect it for the future; the next thing you know is that it is gone for future generations."

On the best idea? "I agree. I love the national parks, where you can't take anything, and you can explore and take pictures. And the CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps] did so much great work in the parks."

Steve Vaughn, who was visiting with Mary Albright commented, "National parks, [gesturing to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains] there it is, look behind you. Parks are some of the best pieces of the United States, they are some of the best ideas ever created or thought about. Muir [John] and Mather, [Stephen Mather was the first director of the National Park Service] were visionaries, along with Teddy Roosevelt. The national parks are jewels of our country, and most people don't take the time to see them.

"These are phenomenal places; they are way underfunded. I've been a campground host in a state park, and I hope to be one in a national park. Most of the parks can be seen in a day, but there is a lot more to it, and we've taken the time to do that.

“The parks are full of history; there is a lot of history of our nation and what we have been before."

A woman from Evergreen who did not provide her full name said, "Preserving the natural beauty and the world's wonder. What a treasure and honor to be here and see these natural wonders God has given us to enjoy."

Best idea? "The idea is the creation that God gave us to discover through these parks; it is amazing."

A person from Minnesota, who did not provide their full name, said, "Parks are a great way to camp with our kids and be able to hike. We pay taxes, and this is a good place for them to go. I'm glad they are redoing the visitor center here and making that investment."

Best Idea? "Yes, to preserve the land and create a way for families to bond. We are visiting the wildlife."

A man from San Antonio, Texas, who did not provide his full name said, "National parks preserve nature for current and future generations. I've heard that quote, and I completely agree, and I wish we had more protected lands and cohabitation between humans and wildlife."

Juan Diego, Berkeley, Calif., said "National parks are a fantastic way to explore some of the most magnificent landscapes on Earth. Parks are a way to slow down and enjoy everything, both during the day and at night, to enjoy the heavens and the night sky."

Best Idea? Yes, I agree in principle. I think America has several best or great ideas, including the Constitution and the Amendments."